May 3, 2019 | Articles, Connection
By meeting Jesus at the well in John 4, the lives of the unnamed woman and many others were completed transformed. Under God’s good hand and the generosity of his people, TSCF has purchased a section of land on Springs Road opposite Lincoln University. Several people...
Dec 19, 2018 | Canvas, News
In 2018 Mark Grace officially transitioned from TSCF staff to becoming the full-time Ambassador for the CCCNZ network of churches. His friend Mark Santich, who heads up the Canterbury team, recalls the contributions he has made to TSCF. Mark Grace and I joined TSCF...
Dec 19, 2018 | Canvas, News
In John chapter 4, we meet a woman whose life is transformed after meeting Jesus at a well. The TSCF Springs Road Project is driven by our desire for men and women from all over the world to have their lives transformed by meeting Jesus. Springs Road runs alongside...
May 28, 2018 | Annual Reviews, Articles
On January 7 we sat in our home church in Edinburgh. It was the first sermon we listened to this year and the word that stood out for us was “courage.” As we listened to the Bible reading from Joshua 1, we had no idea that within a few months God would call us to a...
Mar 22, 2018 | Articles, Canvas, Reviews
Travel advice from a Christian perspective is rare, so one well-travelled Australian pastor has attempted to remedy this. Stephen Liggins provides helpful frameworks in which to consider whether and how to travel. It’s an easy read, interspersed with many anecdotes...