Stories of hope from a turbulent year

Canvas | Issue 89: Faces of Hope TSCF students share their experiences of what it was like to be a student in Aotearoa during lockdown     “I knew living in Harbour Light [TSCF’s residential community in Dunedin] would make the first semester different for...

Changed for life: A celebration of service

Canvas | Issue 89: Faces of Hope At the TSCF AGM in September, we expressed our deep gratitude to two people for their key roles of service to TSCF: Rubee Yee for over 40 years on the TSCF Board, and Judge Andrew Becroft for his 15 years as TSCF Board Chair. We want...

A tapestry of prayer

Canvas | Issue 88: People of Prayer Welcome to our Autumn 2020 edition of Canvas, my first as editor. I am excited to join the TSCF team, to be part of this passionate community committed to reaching students for Christ. As a university student, my involvement with...

Take a deep breath

Canvas | Issue 88: People of Prayer Unlike some on these islands, I am not a regular visitor to high altitude. Except for my travels on Air New Zealand and the occasional jaunts on hills around the country, I’m rarely too far above sea level. Following my recent visit...

The state of the boiler room

Canvas | Issue 88: People of Prayer Think of the most capable, gifted Christian leader you know. It doesn’t have to be a personal acquaintance, just someone you’ve heard about – no doubt with a sense of awe and wonder. Perhaps he or she is a brilliant speaker or...