Tim Hodge

Head of Development

I’ve been part of student mission with TSCF from way back in the day, and now I work part-time with TSCF combined with part-time for CCCNZ (Christian Community Churches of NZ), a network of independent churches. 

Reaching students for Christ and changing students for life is our aim as TSCF; what could be more exciting than that! I get to encourage, train, and assist TSCF student groups and TSCF staff as we speak for Jesus and live for Jesus at uni and through the whole of life. A Bible verse that keeps me enthused about this gospel work is Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not human masters.”

I love to ski in the winter and watch cricket at any time of year. Being based in Lincoln, where the NZ Cricket High Performance Centre is based, is a joy, and watching the Blackcaps is (sometimes!) an enjoyable roller coaster.

I’m married to Lizzy and we have an eclectic mix of interests, from cricket and skiing (normal and fun, obviously) to crochet and bluegrass music. Since becoming parents we’re also raising our son and daughter to love Jesus, love the church, and love life.